Tuesday, November 30, 2010

my first blog

Hi everyone…..Writing the first blog was never easier. I always thought that iam not good at English to write a blog, one year completed with the same feeling but today I made up my mind to write the first blog .

I would like to share an incident that happened last month, I don’t remember the exact date, a day in October which served as a eye opener to me. It was a fine evening I was on bike to a nearby shop when my phone rang I tried to pick the phone, controlling the handle with one hand suddenly phone slipped from my hand and fell on the road at same time a bus ran over it the phone was totally damaged. I thought for a while, imagined me in place of phone if it was me who slipped that day this blog would not have been posted. It was like a practical demonstration for me not to use mobile while driving

So please no mobiles while driving ………….dont take chances…….